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Dale Rogers Training Center, Inc.

Dale Rogers Training Center, Inc. (DRTC) provides multiple programs for persons with disabilities. From the summer camp program for teenagers and young adults, to paid training opportunities and community employment, these nationally-accredited services are provided by highly-trained staff.



2501 N. Utah Ave.
Oklahoma City

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Developmental Disabilities Services

​​​​​Developmental Disabilities Services (DDS) serves persons ages 3 and up who have a primary diagnosis of intellectual disabilities.  Persons served may also have other developmental disabilities in addition to intellectual disabilities such as Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome, etc.

Developmental Disabilities Service’s mission is to help individuals with developmental disabilities and their families help themselves to lead safer, healthier, more independent and productive lives.


PO Box 25352
Oklahoma City

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Disability Advocates of Oklahoma

 Disability Advocates of Oklahoma (DAO) was founded in 2000, and was the first to offer parents the combination of Legal & Non-Attorney Child Advocate services. This combination allows families to receive a “two for one” service in the form of Child Advocates who work in conjunction with our Attorneys to provide the very best Legal and Advocate services for all Oklahoma families who are dealing with helping their children with Special Needs.

DAO’s mission is to help Parents obtain highly qualified, yet affordable, Attorneys and Child Advocates in obtaining special education services and benefits for their children with special needs.


P.O. Box 23865
Oklahoma City

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Dougy Center

Dougy Center provides support in a safe place where children, teens, young adults, and families who are grieving can share their experiences before and after a death. We provide support and training locally, nationally, and internationally to individuals and organizations seeking to assist children in grief.

Grief Support and Resources-

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PO Box 86852

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Down Syndrome Association of Central Oklahoma

Down Syndrome Association of Central Oklahoma (DSACO) raises awareness and provide resources, as well as promote acceptance and inclusion for people with Down syndrome.




521 W. Wilshire Blvd., Suite 130
Oklahoma City

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Down Syndrome Association of Tulsa

Down Syndrome Association of Tulsa (DSAT) is a non-profit organization that exists to enhance the lives of individuals with Down syndrome, their families and communities. This is accomplished by fostering positive attitudes and opportunities for people with Down syndrome via empowerment, inclusion, educational events and purposeful connections while celebrating their extraordinary lives.



Post Office Box 54877

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EHDI-PALS is a web-based searchable national directory. It helps families, healthcare professionals, and state public health organizations to find pediatric audiology expertise for children ages birth to five. Their website provides information about childhood hearing to support families and professionals through the process of screening, diagnosis, and intervention. This site links you to information, resources, and services for children with hearing loss. At the heart of EHDI-PALS is a national web-based directory of facilities that offer pediatric audiology services to young children who are younger than five years of age.


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Epilepsy Foundation Oklahoma

Epilepsy Foundation Oklahoma mission is to lead the fight to overcome the challenges of living with epilepsy and to accelerate therapies to stop seizures, find cures, and save lives.

Epilepsy Foundation Oklahoma is a chapter of the national Epilepsy Foundation. With the strength of a national organization and network of epilepsy experts, Epilepsy Foundation Oklahoma provides national scope and local impact.

For the latest information regarding support groups, check out their Facebook page.


2915 N. Classen Blvd, Suite 040
Oklahoma City

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Evolution Foundation

The Evolution Foundation provides resources, support, and technical assistance to families, community coalitions, and children behavioral health service providers in the state of Oklahoma.

Evolution Foundation accomplishes this in several ways:

  • Community coalition building and technical assistance
  • Coalition training
  • Trauma training
  • Training curriculum development
  • Strategic planning
  • Family Support for Systems of Care families, Child Welfare families, Juvenile Justice families
  • Liaison services for the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services


(405) 203-7898

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Foster and Adoptive Association of Oklahoma

Foster and Adoption Association of Oklahoma improves the lives of children by empowering foster and adoptive families through support, connection, and advocacy.

The organization has been serving as a resource to foster, adoptive, and kinship families in Oklahoma since 1996. FCAO is a non-profit organization that empowers, supports, and advocates for foster and adoptive families all across Oklahoma. Membership with FCAO is free for any Oklahoma foster family.

They believe knowledge is power. The more you know, the more you will understand; the more you understand, the less frustrated you will become. They are an organization that loves to help the foster family navigate through the rollercoaster of foster care. Whether you have questions about DHS, the court system, or tips on bridging with your children’s biological families. They are there to help.


P.O. Box 117
1(877) FCAO-411

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