Resources & Trainings
Parenting a child with special needs or a disability requires having an empowered parent who will seek out information regarding their child’s diagnosis and the services and support that will give their child the best outcomes possible.
Because early intervention and education is key, the Oklahoma Family Network (OFN) provides resources and trainings to help individuals with special health care needs and disabilities, their families, and professionals to connect to services and support in their communities. OFN not only provides training for families but also for those who want to serve in a consultant role to assure services and supports from agencies, hospitals, and other community organizations are being provided in a way that individuals and families prefer.
How we help

The CHATS (Community for Hearing Loss Awareness Training and Supports) resource directory lists organizations that provide help and support during the family's journey. Resource topics include:
- Communication Resources
- Devices
- Education
- Screening
- Support

The Families Fighting Childhood Cancer resource directory lists organizations that provide help and support during the family's cancer journey. Resource topics include:
- Awareness
- Bereavement
- Education
- Financial
- Retreats & Camps
- Scholarships
- Support

The Genetics resource directory lists organizations that provide help and support during the family's genetic journey. Resource topics include:
- Genetic Services
- Education
- Patient Resources
- Provider Resources
- Telegentics
- Find a Clinic Near You

The Transition resource directory lists organizations that provide help and support during the family's transition journey. Resource topics include:
- Health Care Transition
- Transition from Early Childhood to School
- Transition from Foster Care
- Transition to Adulthood and Employment