CBHN Caregiver Conference YouTube and Podcast Links (December 5th & 6th, 2022)

December 5th Sessions:
Making the PACEs Connection
Presented By: Stacy Williams
This presentation will focus on the protective and compensatory experiences (PACEs) that can be the antidote to ACEs. We will look at protective systems and factors that can help establish self-healing communities. We will identify caregiver strategies to build resilience in our children, families, and communities.
YouTube Link
Skill Building Workshop to Address Teen Substance Use
Presented By: MaryAnn Badenoch
Available in English and Spanish
This workshop is designed to help you understand why your teen may be using substances and what you can do to help them make better choices. Among other skills you'll learn how to have better conversations with your child and use behavior management techniques that can make a big difference.
YouTube & Podcast Links
Disability Etiquette - It's About Respect
Presented By:
Wanda Felty and Miranda Hooper
Mind your manners and be polite! But really what does that mean when words change all the time like bad is good and good is good? This session will walk through disability etiquette, and respectful language and even touch on the scrambled terms that look like alphabet soup.
YouTube & Podcast Links
Personal Finance for Young Adults
Presented By: Tina Herndan
An interactive introduction to several areas of personal finance such as credit, debt, financial accounts, and money management.
YouTube Link
Autism: Where to Begin
Presented By: Kodey Toney
Available in Spanish and English
Kodey Toney is a father, advocate, and director of the Pervasive Parenting Center. The presentation is filled with stories of his son Konner and their journey through navigating the system. Attendees will learn what Autism is, the behaviors related to Autism, and what to do if they feel that their child has Autism.
YouTube & Podcast Links
I Chose the Blue Eyes Over The Red Flags
Presented By: Lisa Buck
Available in Spanish and English
Lisa Buck has been involved in the foster/ adoption world for almost 20 years as a foster and adoptive parent as well as serving as the first Foster Care Ombudsman in the State of Oklahoma. Lisa will share her personal journey and some lessons learned as the Ombudsman in caring for Oklahoma's most vulnerable children and families.
YouTube & Podcast Links
December 6th Sessions:
CBHN Overivew and 988 Info
Presented By: Tamara Powell, Terri Kinder, and Heath Hayes
Available in Spanish and English
This session explains everything you need to know about the Children's Behavioral Health Network and gives an excellent overview, description, and update on the new 988 mental health crisis intervention number.
YouTube & Podcast Links
Family and Generational Trauma
Presented By: Jeremy Elledge
This workshop will illustrate how psychological trauma, chronic stress, and other unmet emotional needs impact the development of the growing child within the family system. Parental stress and trauma can lead to emotional struggles that affect efforts for caring for children and can lead to generational trauma, dysfunctional norms.
YouTube & Podcast Links
Podcast Link Coming Soon
OKC Family Fun from Toddlers-Teens
Presented By: Erin E. Page, APR
MetroFamily is Oklahoma City's top resource for family fun! Get the scoop on the best FREE holiday and seasonal events for families in the metro, as well as sensory-friendly attractions and resources. Plus, learn about free resources focused on family mental health offered by local and national experts through MetroFamily.
YouTube & Podcast Links
Healing Injured Parents
Presented By: Jeremy Elledge
Available in English and Spanish
Participants will explore what it means to accept, love, and support our children and how we came to arrive at our own norms for parenting and family. Participants will have brief opportunities to identify motivations, goals, and possible growth areas because it can always be better.
YouTube & Podcast Links
How to Help a Gifted Child
Presented By: Brittany Couch
High-achieving kids and teens are often overlooked when they struggle emotionally. Why? They do things faster than normal.
YouTube Link
**Coming Soon**
Advocacy For Systems Change
Presented By: Jen Randle
Available in English and Spanish
Learn about Partners in Policymaking and the Youth Leadership Forum, the Developmental Disabilities Council's Advocacy Trainings. Both pieces of training are nationally recognized to teach persons to advocate for change in the lives of individuals with disabilities, family members, and professionals who work in the disability field.
YouTube Links
The Best Kept Secret about Family Support Groups
Presented By: Ruth Mojica
Have a loved one with a mental health condition? Feeling alone? Don't know what resources are out there? Grieving the loss of the dream you had for yourself and your loved one? Come learn about "The Best Kept Secret" of Family Support Groups that are facilitated by someone with personal experience!
YouTube & Podcast Link
“Hope Floats”- Finding Hope in Your Story
Video Clip and Family Panel Audra Haney, Kodey Toney, Gerri Mullendore and Brandi Shearer
An authentic conversation with a family panel, exploring the real-life thoughts, feelings and emotions of what it means to be a family member of a child or young adult with a special health care need, disability, or behavioral health concern.
YouTube & Podcast Links
**This session is unavailable for YouTube and Podcast due to the use of some copyrighted material**
Please feel free to contact Oklahoma Family Network if you'd like to host a similar session to this for your conference.
5 Love Languages of Children
Presented By: Lauren Alvarez
Parents deeply love their children, yet not all children feel that unconditional love and care. Join us for a practical and informative class about the Five Loves Languages of Children based on the book by Dr. Gary Chapman and Dr. Ross Campbell. We will learn how to use the knowledge of the Five Love Languages to connect with our children on a deep level and prevent and respond to discipline issues. This new knowledge can also be applied to a variety of relationships and friendships to improve your connections with others.