The Nest Program


OFN is a statewide parent-to-parent support network for families raising children with special healthcare needs or disabilities from prenatal to adulthood.


The NEST (Nurture, Encourage, Support, Trust) Program from Oklahoma Family Network is designed specifically for families who anticipate or are experiencing a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) stay for any reason.


All of our staff are raising children with special healthcare needs or disabilities, have experienced perinatal services, or the loss of an infant or child with special needs.

Who We Serve

Mothers experiencing high risk pregnancy

Families expecting or who have given birth to a child with a special healthcare need, disability, or other condition

Families who have experienced pregnancy or infant loss

Professionals who serve these families

Families of children in or have graduated from a neonatal ICU

group of women wearing pink shirts in support of cancer research

Family Support

  • Visiting parents in the hospital on bed rest in the perinatal
    clinic and following delivery
  • Connecting families with similar experiences
  • Providing information and resources specific to a child's needs

Expand Family Centered Care

  • Training clinics or hospital staff
  • Encouraging family voice and building a leadership network

NEST is a project of Oklahoma Family Network, Inc. funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB) of the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA Grant H84MC093680600) and funded by the Heartland Genetics Services Collaborative, supported by a grant from the Genetic Services Branch of the MCHB of the HRSA (HRSA Grant H46MC24089).