Provide a Ride

Donation made to OFN’s Provide a ride program will provide families with gas cards, Lyft/Uber gift cards, and public transportation vouchers.

Oklahoma Family Network helps families pay for gas to get to medical appointments, help with travel outside of Oklahoma for specialized care, small car repairs, and many other ways so families can get where they need for care.

One very specific way we help families is with transportation to and from the hospital to see their baby who is in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).  A mother spending time with her child allows for bonding, grief processing, and physical healing for both mother and baby, as well as, gives families opportunities to understand the health care needs their baby has upon discharge from the hospital.

Did you know families who may not have access to transportation can be reported to DHS for medical neglect, as a result of insufficient visits to the NICU?  Medicaid services in Oklahoma do not provide any rideshare services for families who have a child in the hospital. Since the baby or child is not directly in their care the service cannot be provided. There is a large transportation barrier in Oklahoma, and we are extremely limited in public transportation services and access points. Oklahoma Family Network has many requests every month for transportation options.  You can help these families by providing a ride and donating to this awesome program!

Thank you for supporting our families